Kamis, 31 Mei 2012

Mengatasi bb jam pasir

Bagi kamu yang memiliki Blackberry dan merasa BB kamu sering lambat, satu hal yang pasti : Jaga kapasitas Memory dengan menjaga jumlah aplikasi ataupun data yang digunakan dan jumlah file yang disimpan. Indikasi dari BB lambat lebih kepada seringnya muncul jam pasir atau blackberry tiba – tiba menjadi tidak responsive, hal ini bisa disebabkan dengan semakin kecilnya kapasitas memory internal. Untuk bisa melihat total memory yang digunakan dari sisi device bisa dengan cara menekan tombol alt + aA + H secara bersamaan (untuk beberapa device seperti 95xx bisa dengan menekan tombol back + sentuh layar kanan atas dan kiri atas bergantian, untuk blackberry dengan tipe 91xx dengan menekan tombol volume atas bawa sampai muncul tombol alt di kiri atas, kemudian ketik huruf “ESCR”) dan akan muncul menu HELP ME, scroll kebawah sampai terlihat tulisan Free Mem dan Mem Usage

  Ada 2 kategori tips perawatan blackberry yaitu wajib rutin dan sekali-kali saja yaitu sbb :
Wajib Rutin

1. Cek file free memory handset Blackberry.

Dengan cara tekan alt + aA + H bersamaan. Dibagian bawah akan terlihat file free dalam ukuran Bytes. Selalu dijaga jangan sampai dibawah 15 MB agar tidak terasa lambat ketika membuka menu ataupun pindah2 aplikasi >

2. Hapus email yang sudah dibaca, prioritas untuk penghapusan bisa dilakukan berdasarkan kebutuhan, contoh menghapus email dari 3 hari yang lalu.

Untuk menghapus seluruh email caranya :
arahkan kursor pada tanggal atau tekan tombol “P” atau “N”
tekan tombol menu (tombol yang ada logo BlackBerry)
Pilih Delete Prior

3. Untuk BBM bisa :

Leave atau keluar dari group yang sudah jarang / dirasa tidak diperlukan
Hapus chat sebelum – sebelumnya (end chat) caranya :
Masuk ke BBM
klik salah satu chat kita dengan rekan
klik menu – end chat

Senin, 26 Maret 2012


Random Access Memory (RAM) digunakan untuk menampung data sementara di dalam komputer. Semakin banyak aplikasi yang kita buka, maka semakin banyak pula RAM digunakan. Adacara menambah RAM yaitu dengan memanfaatkan flashdisk (penyimpan data), dengan tambahan software (aplikasi) eBooster.exe, kita bisa menambah RAM kita tanpa harus membeli RAM yang baru.
Kita sering menggunakan komputer, karena asyiknya, kita buka Microsoft Word, kemudian Excell, PowerPoint, Access, ditambah AdobePhotoShop, CorelDraw. Kemudian kita ingin membuka Winamp untuk mendengarkan music. Tapi tiba-tiba komputer kita hang, Alias mati. Mengapa ini terjadi?
Karena kapasitas RAM-nya habis, RAM (Random Access Memory) biasa digunakan untuk menyimpan data sementara di komputer. Artinya sementara data tersebut hanyabisa dilihat di layar monitor, namun belum kita simpan ke media penyimpanan, seperti Hardisk, flashdisk, CD Room dan sebagainya.
Semakin banyak aplikasi yang kita buka di komputer kita, maka semakin besar RAM yang kita gunakan. Sebagai gambaran RAM sebagai berikut. Misal di komputer kita terpasang RAM dengan kapasitas 512 Mb. Setiap aplikasi yang kita buka akan membutuhkan RAM, atau secara mudah setiap kita membuka setiap aplikasi maka persediaan RAM yang ada akan berkurang.
Sebagai contoh, misalnya kalau kita membuka Microsoft Word, maka Microsoft Word akan membutuhkan memory sementara (RAM) sebesar 300 Mb (bukan data sebenarnya, karena saya belum pernah mengukur Microsoft Word membutuhkan memory berapa untuk bisa berjalan), berarti persediaan RAM yang ada tinggal (512-300 = 212 Mb). Jika kita membuka lagi satu aplikasi tidak boleh lebih dari 212 Mb, kalau aplikasi yang dibukan melebihi 212 Mb, misalMicrosoft Excel memory yang dibutuhkan adalah 300 Mb, maka komputer akan Hang (OVER CLOCK), karena kebutuhan memory untuk running program tidak cukup.
Untuk menambah kapasitas RAM biasanya kita harus membeli RAM untuk tambahan, menjadi lebih besar.
Namun dalam materi kali ini kita akan memperbesar kapasitas RAM dengan FLASHDISK, dengan argumen, bahwa flashdisk bisa berfungsi ganda, bisa untuk RAM juga bisa untuk menyimpan data. Semakin besar kapasitas flashdisk, maka semakin besar pula RAM yang bisa kita tambahkan.
Kita membutuhkan software eBooster.exe, yang dapat di download di sini
Posted by The Catz on 00:31 

Selasa, 06 Maret 2012

Persamaan LCD Handphone China

KTOUCH A650/A615/D700/D780/N77
KTOUCH v908/A905/A915/MYG 6600/C800
KTOUCH h888 /h899
HiTECH h39/H62/71
HiTECH h61 /G-STAR 618 /N96 china
MY-G 810 /STARTECH st59/tiger hf38/N88
BEYOND 710 /spirit 77
BEYOND 510 /STARTECH st55/swahoo s3103
BEYOND 530 /G-STAR 818
BEYOND 555/STARTECH st211/5310china
BEYOND 868 /LEXUS 8011/N99 china
BEYOND 505 /6300 CHINA
MITO 2108 /LEXUS 2108
ZTE 1688 /gvone 530
NEXIAN g900/g911/g922
HT MOBILE G30 /BEYOND b85/E71 china
G Star 889 / 899
E71 / MITO 838 / 8K3248
HT G30 / Dezzo D800 / 8K3288
K-Touch H888 / FPC8585
D-One DG758 / TiPhone T88 /
Redberry / D-One DG628 / IMO 908
G Star 988 / SkyTech B88
MyG 630 / ST57 / HT G32
Taxco VX2 / G Star 889
HT M10 / Nexian G700
Mito 2068 / T919
HT M11 / Beyond B700
Tecno Z500 / Cross 510
Maxtron 117 / Lexus 1108 / Imo G388
E83 / ZTC 1109 / N88 China
Asiafone AF303/G-star 826
Taxco DM90/T808/GC688
LCD MyG 800 / TAXCO DM77
HT G30 / MITO 8100
MyG200 / ST55 / Swahoo 1101
NX G332 / Gstar 889 / Gstar 818
Nexian G900 / 6300 china
t-phone T67 /T78
LCD 6300 CINA.......... FPC4328A-V1
LCD 6500 CINA.......... DFT-60248-03 V01
LCD ANYCALL GC668.......... 145713-A
LCD ANYCALL T728.......... TFT8K-2132-FPC-A1-E
LCD ASIAFONE 108.......... 2001803
LCD ASIAFONE 303.......... TFT8K1480FPC-A1-E
LCD ASIAFONE 306.......... SAT 22009 A16B
LCD ASIAFONE 701.......... D133CPT
LCD BB i900.......... YT20F34GIA-FPC-A
LCD BEYOND B 505.......... TFT8K-1499 FPC
LCD BEYOND B 530/ GSTAR 818.......... TFT8K1569FPC-A1-E
LCD BEYOND B 555/STARTECH st21.......... FPC C14MVGU-1-01
LCD BEYOND B 600.......... FPC ST020B6C-D30VERI
LCD BEYOND B 620.......... HT 020-699
LCD BEYOND B 68.......... ART22F3605 Q
LCD BEYOND B 710/SPIRIT 77.......... FPC-ST024C6CD20-VER1
LCD BEYOND B 818/ B 618.......... 8K1201
LCD BEYOND B 868.......... TFT8K1287FPC-B2-E
LCD BEYOND B 9000.......... TFT8K-3309FPC-A1-E
LCD BEYOND B 999i.......... FPC-S95339-V01
LCD BEYOND B720.......... FPCST024C6CD-NOO

LCD CROSS CB80.......... WD04569A
LCD CROSS CB90.......... WD 04583 AFIS
LCD CROSS GG51.......... YL8674
LCD CROSS GG53.......... WD604BF
LCD CROSS GG66.......... JYD G6096 SA
LCD CROSS GG77.......... JFP-60278-01
LCD CROSS GG777.......... YT028C08SB
LCD CROSS GG79.......... YL88H5MLA
LCD CSL BLUEBERRY.......... FPC-G240 T40-185 C V00
LCD DEZZ0 D800.......... TFT8K3288 FPC-A1-E
LCD D-ONE 289.......... FPC 4219J-V1 BF
LCD D-ONE 758.......... JYD GA 200-0119 FPC-A
LCD D-ONE 768.......... TFT8K3503 FPC-A1-E
LCD D-ONE DG558/TAXCO VX1.......... T-0079
LCD D-ONE DG568.......... FPC-T24JHSO1
LCD D-ONE DG578.......... YL9737MLA-A-O
LCD D-ONE DG638.......... JYD GA 200-0119 FPC-A
LCD D-ONE DG829/ZTC303.......... 8K1038
LCD E66 CINA.......... FPC-Y8021 V02
LCD E71 CINA.......... TFT8K3339-A1-E
LCD E71 CINA.......... KTFT2400-100
LCD E90 CINA.......... TFT 8K1569FPC-A1-E
LCD EDLINE 8900.......... YDT240000
LCD ELZIRO.......... KT220AA-033A-V1
LCD ESIA WARNA.......... WD-X1008V7
LCD ETOUCH 303.......... ART20F1701S
LCD ETOUCH 505.......... WTD WD 04569 B
LCD ETOUCH BB 626.......... TFT8K-3262 FPC-A1-E
LCD ETOUCH BB E66.......... TFT 8K3277 FPC-A2-E
LCD ETOUCH E606/GSTAR 988/VODASTAR 228.......... 8K 3277
LCD ETOUCH TD830.......... TFT8K-1556-FPC-A1-E
LCD GSTAR 168.......... TSF8H0508FPC-A2-E
LCD GSTAR 238.......... YM177-016B
LCD GSTAR 368.......... FPC-K200QFE-V8-01
LCD GSTAR 388.......... YT2406CIA-FPC-A
LCD GSTAR 889/VODASTAR V288.......... FPC1A0029
LCD GSTAR 899.......... TM022-KDZ00
LCD GT 28.......... GOG-1264-FPC-A1
LCD GVONE 530.......... TSF8-H048S FPC-A1-E
LCD GVONE 620.......... DMT 0597 FPC-A
LCD GVONE 808/TAXCO DM90.......... FPCS95261
LCD GVONE 920.......... TFT8K-3483-FPC-A1-E
LCD HITECH H38.......... TFT8K1486FPC-A1-E
LCD HITECH h39/MY-G 660.......... TFT8K1277FPC-A1
LCD HITECH H61/N96 CINA.......... TFT8K 1270 FPC-B1-E
LCD HT A30.......... TFT8K2510FPC-A1-E
LCD HT G10/IMO 369/NEXCOM N69.......... FPC2003701090922
LCD HT G10/VITELL V717.......... KT200AA-027A
LCD HT G19.......... ART 22F3702 Q CIF
LCD HT G30/BEYOND B85/E71 CINA/MITO G91.......... TFT8K2469FPC-A1-E
LCD HT G32.......... TFT8K2719FPC-A1-E
LCD HT G33.......... S2222-0090
LCD HT M12/M21
LCD IMO 189/TAXCO W2/TIGER 338.......... FPC2001802
LCD IMO 200.......... 8H0484
LCD IMO 369.......... FPC1773604
LCD IMO 819.......... TFT8K 8717C-VO-CI
LCD IMO 9000.......... TFT8K3327FPC-A1-E
LCD IMOBILE C6000.......... TFT8K1358FPC-A1-E
LCD IMOBILE i101.......... FP-00509-04
LCD IMOBILE i202.......... FPC-T18DES33VOF
LCD IMOBILE i510.......... WD-F1212V7
LCD I-PHONE 1711.......... TFT8K-1711-FPC-A1-E
LCD I-PHONE 228.......... FPC429/F-V1
LCD IT-MOBILE X607.......... LT8179-01
LCD I-TU 8868.......... TFT8K1670FPC-A1-E
LCD I-TU 8878/IMO G911/MAXTRON 185/ZTE 777.......... YT22F88CIB-FPC-A
LCD I-TU 8888.......... JYD-GC200-0277 FPC-B
LCD KTOUCH A5118/B2200.......... TSF8H0598FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH A650/A615.......... CT024TN02 M1-E
LCD KTOUCH A933/TOCALL T220.......... TFT8K1296FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH B830.......... FPC4069AG-V
LCD KTOUCH D175.......... TFT8K0943FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH D186.......... TFT8K1253FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH D770.......... FPC4312E
LCD KTOUCH DT-08.......... TFT8K1546FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH E60.......... PN 145074D
LCD KTOUCH H699.......... TFT8K-3394-FPC-A1-E
LCD KTOUCH H888.......... FPC8585N-V0-C
LCD KTOUCH H999.......... 8K3859
LCD KTOUCH V310.......... FPC8537
LCD KTOUCH V908.......... TFT8K 1069 FPC-A1-E
LCD LEXUS 1108.......... T177CHI-8
LCD LEXUS 2108.......... FPC-242-4
LCD LEXUS 8011/BEYOND 868/N99 CINA.......... YT28F03MHA-FPC-C
LCD LEXUS L16.......... FPC-Y80575 V01
LCD LEXUS L61/SKYPHONE 868.......... FPC240-28
LCD LEXUS L88.......... 8K3601
LCD MAXTRON 198.......... T026QVT003
LCD MITO 2000/V708/HT G11/HT G18.......... ART 20F 3707
LCD MITO 2108.......... FPC242-4-V
LCD MITO 298/MY G600.......... DMT0311FPC-B1
LCD MITO 800.......... KD9718-128
LCD MITO 8100/LEXUS L18.......... YT22F68 GIA-FPC-A
LCD MITO 8200.......... GA240-0293
LCD MITO 838/VITELL 737.......... TFT8K 3248 FPC-A1-E
LCD MITO BB 189.......... FPC2001802
LCD MITO C6000.......... TFT8K1358FPC-A1-E
LCD MIXCON BB M88.......... TFT8K0706FPC-A1-E
LCD MIXCON BB S388.......... TFT8K3278FPC-A1-E
LCD MIXCON BB S500.......... FPC-51-ROHS0846
LCD MIXCON BB S908.......... YT24F96CHD-FPC-A
LCD MY-G 600.......... DMT0311FPC-B1
LCD MY-G 630.......... TFT8K1208FPC-A1-E
LCD MY-G 638.......... TFT-8K0679-A2-E
LCD MY-G 810/ST 59
LCD MY-G 880.......... YDE FPC24T495-A1
LCD N70 CINA.......... TFT 4511
LCD N73 CINA.......... OPFPCT0566-V1
LCD N77 CINA.......... TFT8K1480FPC-A1-E
LCD N82 CINA.......... TFT8K 0561 FPC
LCD N95 CINA.......... TSF805D (B)
LCD N96 CINA.......... KLLCMTFT2807-VOA
LCD N96 SOLDER.......... FPC-FTP280PO4N-OO
LCD N97 CINA.......... FPC-FTM300D072-00
LCD N97 CINA.......... X1300344P B
LCD NEXCOM NC99.......... 8K3495
LCD NEXIAN C951.......... TFT8K3666FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN G381/G501/G503.......... FPC248
LCD NEXIAN G505.......... FPC24239
LCD NEXIAN G522 ORI.......... TFT8K3369FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN G700/HT M10/VITELL 288.......... TSF8H-0478 FPC
LCD NEXIAN G788.......... FPC8717
LCD NEXIAN G801.......... FPC2065-1-AO
LCD NEXIAN G868.......... TFT8K 3561FPC-A1-C
LCD NEXIAN G900/G922.......... TFT8K2885FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN G912.......... TFT8K 2689 FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN G923.......... TFT8K3454 FPC-A1-E
LCD NEXIAN T788.......... 1540003380
LCD NEXIAN T901.......... 8K4703
LCD SPC BOSS C1000.......... JYD GB220-0220 FPC-A
LCD SWAHOO S890.......... TFT8K-1962 FPC
LCD TAXCO DM70.......... FPC4219J-V1
LCD TAXCO DM77.......... FPC-FTM3000O03Z-00
LCD TAXCO TX60.......... FPC-C177 VHV-2-B2
LCD TAXCO TX65.......... DMT0304
LCD TAXCO W2.......... FPC-200180209 1111 FGD
LCD TIPHONE T67/D-ONE 739/TV3000.......... 8K2352
LCD TITAN Q58.......... 2003507
LCD TOCALL T323.......... G240T37TD-053
LCD TOCALL T550/BB CINA C9000.......... TFT8K3327FPC-A1-E
LCD TV C1000.......... WTD T171M
LCD VITELL 710.......... JYD GB220-0218 FPC-A
LCD VITELL 717/HT G10.......... KT200AA-027A
LCD VITELL BB V708.......... LT 20F 3707
LCD VITELL T90.......... TFT8K2898
LCD VITELL V222.......... FPC-S92027A-1
LCD ZTE 1688.......... TSF8H0485FPC-A1-E
KTOUCH A650/A615/D700/D780/N77
KTOUCH v908/A905/A915/MYG 6600/C800
KTOUCH h888 /h899
HiTECH h39/H62/71
HiTECH h61 /G-STAR 618 /N96 china
MY-G 810 /STARTECH st59/tiger hf38/N88
BEYOND 710 /spirit 77
BEYOND 510 /STARTECH st55/swahoo s3103
BEYOND 530 /G-STAR 818
BEYOND 555/STARTECH st211/5310china
BEYOND 868 /LEXUS 8011/N99 china
BEYOND 505 /6300 CHINA
MITO 2108 /LEXUS 2108
ZTE 1688 /gvone 530
NEXIAN g900/g911/g922
HT MOBILE G30 /BEYOND b85/E71 china
G Star 889 / 899
E71 / MITO 838 / 8K3248
HT G30 / Dezzo D800 / 8K3288
K-Touch H888 / FPC8585
D-One DG758 / TiPhone T88 /
Redberry / D-One DG628 / IMO 908
G Star 988 / SkyTech B88
MyG 630 / ST57 / HT G32
Taxco VX2 / G Star 889
HT M10 / Nexian G700
Mito 2068 / T919
HT M11 / Beyond B700
Tecno Z500 / Cross 510
Maxtron 117 / Lexus 1108 / Imo G388
E83 / ZTC 1109 / N88 China
Asiafone AF303/G-star 826
Taxco DM90/T808/GC688
LCD MyG 800 / TAXCO DM77
HT G30 / MITO 8100
MyG200 / ST55 / Swahoo 1101
NX G332 / Gstar 889 / Gstar 818
Nexian G900 / 6300 china
t-phone T67 /T78.......... FPC 4506 A-V2

Senin, 20 Februari 2012

Charger ways BB 8320

Pada BB 8320 sering kita jumpai beberapa kasus charger tidak tidak fungsi.dikarenakan layout pcb yang putus.  Berikut adalah jalur input charger dari conector ke surcuit BB. Semoga bermanfaat

Senin, 30 Januari 2012

Blackberry Apps Error Code / Mengenal CODE ERROR Pada BLACKBERRY

Berikut ini adalah sedikit panduan untuk mengetahui letak error pada handheld Anda :

Code 1xx

* 101: Internal JVM Error

* 102: Invalid code in file system. The .cod files in the handheld have been checked for modification and it has been determined that there is a problem with one or more .cod files

* 103: The starting address for the boot .cod file cannot be found. This might mean that a boot .cod file has not been installed on the handheld, or that its format is invalid or corrupt.

* 104: An uncaught Java exception was thrown in the Java code and diagnosed by the JVM. Execution can be continued or the handheld can be attached to a debugger on a desktop through a serial or USB cable. The event log should contain the traceback of the thrown exception.

* 105: An OS file system API returned an error status for a certain operation. This can indicate a corrupt file system or an error in the JVM.

* 106: An error has been detected in the graphics system of the handheld.

* 107/108: Internal JVM error.

* 109: Internal OS error.

* 110: Non-idle event downtime error. A problem has been detected in the accumulation of JVM down time that represents how long the JVM has been idle. This indicates an error in either the OS code or the JVM code.

Code 2xx

* 200: Application manager threw an uncaught exception. The application manager event thread threw an uncaught exception and so cannot continue running.

* 201: Initialization of the cryptographic system failed and the handheld cannot continue to operate.

* 202: An attack on the key store has been detected, and the handheld cannot continue to operate.

* 203: The application manager console process, usually the Home screen ribbon, has failed, like due to an uncaught exception.

Code 3xx

* 310-314: Software 70% or Hardware failure 30%
Perform a hard reset on the handheld: Shut down, remove the battery wait a few second... replace battery then see when happens when it starts OR Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld.
Note: If these tasks do not resolve the error, contact your service provider.

* 320-325: AMX failure
Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld.

* 330-339: Application tasks failure
Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld.

* 340-343: Memory failure
You receive one the following error messages on your handheld:
Memory failure.

Reduce the number of calendar appointments synchronized to your handheld.

1. In BlackBerry? Desktop Manager, double-click the Intellisync icon.
Click Configure PIM. The Handheld Configuration window appears.

2. In the Handheld Applications list, select Calendar.

3. Click Configure > Advanced Settings. The Advanced Settings for Calendar window appears.

4. In the Date Range tab, perform one of the following tasks to reduce the number of calendar appointments synchronized to your handheld:
If you click the Transfer only Future items option, only future calendar appointments will be synchronzied to your handheld.
If you click the Transfer items within a range of Days option and enter date range in the fields provided, only the calendar appointments that scheduled within the date range will be synchronized to your handheld.

5. Click OK to save your changes and close the window.

6. In the Handheld Configuration window, ensure that the check box beside the Calendar application is selected, then click OK.

7. In the Intellisync window, ensure that the Synchronize PIM check box is selected, then click Synchronize Now. The number of calendar entries on your handheld is reduced.
If you still receive the error

Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto your handheld.

* 350-359: Software application failure
You receive one of the following error messages on your handheld:
Device Error 350, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359
Software application failure.

Perform a hard reset on the handheld OR Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto your handheld. In the Application Loader Wizard window, do not select any third party applications. In the Advanced options, select the Erase all currently installed applications check box

* 360-363: Flash memory failure
Run Application Loader to reload the operating system and applications onto the handheld.

* 365-368: This one is often followed by
Contact your service provider.

Code 4xx

* 400-564: Breaking lines, sistem data link lost, possibility of bad sector in hard drive

* 410: Radio Failure

* 411: Battery Error, Replace Internal or External Battery module

* 499: Software problems, continue to handheld device OS installation or application updates via Apploader

Code 5xx

* 501: Internal error.

* 502: All processes exited. The last Java process has terminated, and there is nothing left to execute.

* 503-505: Internal error.

* 506: An uncaught Java exception was thrown in the initial VM Java thread thus killing the only live thread in the system. The event log contains the traceback for the exception.

* 507: A dependency on a .cod file could not be satisfied due to a missing .cod file. Load the missing .cod file onto the handheld.
You receive one of the following errors on your BlackBerry device while using Application Loader to install device software. <-- TUTS - Thanks to user: jakartadogdown

Device Error 505

Device Error 507

Both errors indicate that no applications are loaded on the BlackBerry device.
Cause I
During the Application Loader process, the existing applications on the BlackBerry device were erased, but Application Loader failed to load the new applications.

Complete the following steps:

1. Verify that device software is installed on your computer.

2. If your BlackBerry device is connected to a laptop in a docking station, disconnect the laptop from the docking station and connect the device directly to the laptop.

3. If a third-party program (e.g. virus scanner) is using the same COM port as BlackBerry Desktop Manager, close the third-party application to free the COM port.

4. If you are using a USB adapter to connect your BlackBerry device to a serial port on your computer, temporarily connect your device to a computer with a USB port.

5. In Desktop Manager, double-click Application Loader.

6. Use Application Loader to install the device software.

Cause II
You erased all the data and applications on your BlackBerry device by typing an incorrect password ten times in Application Loader.

Complete the following steps:

1. In Desktop Manager, double-click Application Loader.
2. Use Application Loader to install the device software

* 508: Invalid object. A problem has been detected with a debugger command to the VM.

* 516: Error occurred during garbage collection, which might indicate a corrupted file system.

* 510: All threads are waiting on objects, which results in a deadlock. The system cannot recover from this state since no thread can release a lock.

* 511: A problem has occurred during debugging.

* 515: The reachable objects form a group that cannot be represented properly by the VM because there are too many objects or the total size of the objects is too large.

* 516: When committing a persistent object, the VM found that the persistent store id counter has reached its limit. The object was not committed.

* 517: An inconsistency has been detected in the VM persistent object store.

* 518-520: Internal error.

* 521: Indicates that Object.wait() has been executed by a thread that holds a lock on another object; occurs only in simulator if the JvmDebugWaits application switch.

* 522: A thread has acquired two locks on objects in an order that doesn’t match the order that previous locks for the two types were acquired, which indicates a future potential deadlock situation; reported only in the simulator when the JvmDebugLocks application switch is set.

* 523: A critical Java process has died and the device cannot continue to operate normally.

* 524: An object has been marked as recovered by the Low Memory Manager but it was not freed during a garbage collection. This is only checked in the simulator under the control of the JvmDebugLMM application switch.

* 525: Bad persistent object. An auto-commit operation during a garbage collection has detected a non-persistent object reachable from the persistent store root. The type of the object has been output into the event log.

* 526: The class definition for java.lang.Object cannot be found.
* 527: The class definition for java.lang.String cannot be found.
* 528: The file system is corrupted. Data on the handheld is unrecoverable.
* 529: The file system is corrupted. An attempt is going to be made to recover data, but some data might be lost.

* 530: Internal JVM error.
* 531: Flash memory has been exhausted.
* 532: A JVM assertion has been violated. This error can occur only in the simulator, not on an actual handheld.

Sabtu, 28 Januari 2012

Penjelasan Pin (kaki kaki) IC SMPS pada Nokia WD2 (3650,6600, 7610,Ngage,dll)

Pin A1= FB (FeedBack) : Tegangan Balik yang dihasilkan dikaki C3 pada SMPS dgn Inductor oleh koil DC/DC Converter L294 diumpan balik ke kaki A1 pada SMPS sbg referensi teg. VCoreA.

Pin B1= VSEL (Voltage Selector) Adalah Pemilihan tegangan utk CPU.
Ada dua pemilihan tegangan yg dapat diatur dgn merubah R263 ini.
1..Jika R263 dipasang, maka kaki B1 SMPS atau VSEL ini akan mendapatkan tegangan dari Battery 3,6V (Kondisi High Mode) maka output VCore = 1,8V.
2. Sedangkan apabila R263 ini dicabut, maka kaki B1 (VSEL) ini tidak mendapatkan tegangan apapun (OV). karena putus jalur. maka Ouptu VCoreA=1,5V.

Jadi kesimpulannya:
Bila VSEL kondisi High 3,6V yaitu R263 terpasang, maka VCOREA menjadi 1,8V
Bila VSEL kondisi Low 0V yaitu R263 dicabut, maka VCOREA menjadi 1,5V

Pin C1= REF (Voltage Reference) :. Adalah Tegangan referensi untuk IC SMPS dalam mengolah Output VCore sebesar 1,37V yang diperuntukkan pula untuk IC RF Mjolner.

Pin D1= Sync (Voltage Synchronization) atau dinamakan VR3 yaitu: untuk Proses Switch Synchronication Mode. VR3 ini berfungsi pula sebagai VXO (Voltage External Oscillator) untuk 26 Mhz Crystal yg diatur oleh IC RF (Mjolner)

Pin D2= EN ( Enable) : Adalah Controlling dari UEM untuk IC SMPS melalui R265

Pin A2= SGND (Signal Ground) : Pertanahan untuk Data signal.

Pin A3= VDD (Voltage Drain Device) : adalah Tegangan Drain IC SMPS terhubung VBatt

Pin B3= PVIN (Power Voltage In): adalah Tegangan Input dari VBatt (Battery) utk IC SMPS sebesar 3,6V.

Pin C3= Output (Voltage Output) SMPS yang diinduksi oleh Coil L294 yang merupakan rangkaian DC/DC Converter

Pin D3= PGND : Power Ground. Pertanahan untuk Tegangan pada ic SMPS.

Kerusakan pada ic SMPS ini menyebabkan ponsel mati dikarenakan UPPWD2nya tidak dapat bekerja, sebab mendapatkan tegangan.
Cara Mengatasinya :
- Panasi ulang / rehot

Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

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Selasa, 17 Januari 2012

Panduan Setting Modem di Tablet Android Lokal/Cina

Menjamurnya Tablet Android merk lokal yang dibanderol dengan harga ‘sangat’ murah, tentu saja jadi pilihan baru bagi konsumen. Di pasaran, Tablet jenis ini malah ada yang dijual kurang dari Rp 1 juta, tepatnya sekitar Rp 800 ribuan yakni IMO Tab X3. Di kisaran harga yang tak terlalu jauh ada IMO Tab X5, Websong Epad dan sebagainya.

Rata-rata tidak didukung slot SIM card untuk kebutuhan akses data. Untuk akses internet ini menggunakan jalur WiFi. Namun, di kebanyakan Tablet Android tersebut tersedia fitur “3G Settings”. Nah…Dengan fasilitas ini, BGer’s bisa memanfaatkan dongle Modem Stick USB yang dikoneksikan ke port khusus buat keperluan akses internet.

Kendalanya, kita harus melakukan pengaturan manual serta menggunakan Modem USB khusus. Berdasarkan spesifikasi yang terdapat di menu ‘3G Settings’ tersebut, modem yang mendukung diantaranya:

•    WCDMA (Huawei E220, E230, E169, E169G, E160X, E1750, etc.)
•    CDMA2000 (Bora9380/AWIT-U8)
•    TD-CDMA (TD368)

Di panduan setting ini, BG menggunakan Modem Huawei E169 dan Tablet Android IMO Tab X5. Berikut langkah-langkah pengaturannya
1. Hubungkan konektor/converter USB ke port yang ada di Tablet Android. Pastikan antara dongle dan port tertancap dengan benar dan pas.
2. Colokan dongle Modem USB ke konektor/converter USB. Secara otomatis, Tablet Android akan mendeteksi Modem USB tersebut yang ditandai dengan ‘berkedip’-nya indikator LED di Modem.
3. Selanjutnya, masuk ke menu “3G Settings” yang ada di Tablet Android.
4. Klik “Add 3G network”.
5. Isikan data-data yang diminta sesuai profile internet operator yang digunakan. Sebagai contoh, BG menggunakan paket data Unlimited XL.
Name: XL
Device: Pilih sesuai daftar Modem yangg digunakan (WCDMA (Huawei E220, E230, E169, E169G, E160X, E1750, etc.)
Device Number: *99# atau ada juga yang menggunakan *99***1#
APN: xlunlimited
User: Kosongkan
Password: Kosongkan

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